South Africa
IBD’s presence in Southern Africa started in 1998 with our export of food grains into South Africa. Consequently, we started affairs in Tanzania and also Zimbabwe, thereby negotiating our existence in the area.
Today, our Southern Africa Cluster comprises three nations of which,IBD have a direct presence in South Africa as well as an investing presence in Zimbabwe. The central of our business enterprises are in cocoa farming as well as processing, the import and also distribution of rice as well as packaged foods alongside extensive wheat and also corn investments.
As part of our total development strategy,IBD is arranging to expand our existing presence over the coming years, and also go after fresh efforts in packaged food products, oil refining and also distribution. We are also planning to make additional investments along the value chain, primarily in investment-friendly environments such as those in Angola, concentrating generally on downstream production and distribution.
The breakthrough of such prospective markets has definitely generated tremendous chances for IBD to grow its business and product variety past the suite of actually effective products on special offer.

East Africa
The foundations for IBD’s East Africa hub were first laid in Kenya in 1997 by having a sugar trading operation. Today our operation in that region comprises of 5 nations, by having a direct existence in 3 and trading partnerships in 2. The core of its enterprise affairs center on cashew processing, coffee and cocoa investing, sesame farming as well as export, import and distribution of packaged foods items.In addition substantial wheat and also, maize investing.
Over the next couple years, expansion for this hub will definitely view ordered mergers around our existing enterprises, stabilized off with fresh projects in to coffee and paddy farming, oil milling and refining and also coordinated investments. IBD will definitely likewise explore financial investments into upstream plantations in countries like Uganda, Sudan, and Mozambique which welcome foreign investors.
The success of our product collection notwithstanding, the development of brand-new as well as fortuitous markets like South Sudan as well as Burundi with healthy investment environments, will definitely present us the option to prolong our product variety considerably within this cluster to fulfill the growing demand.
West & Central Africa
IBD’s venture into Central Africa began with the establishing of IBD Ghana in 1994, to regulate the origination, processing as well as export of cocoa and coffee beans to Europe as well as the USA. By having our Ghana affairs increasing its portfolio to include the import and also distribution of rice, IBD concurrently established operations in the Republic of Gabon for lumber items and also rice. In 2008, we grew our capacity further to feature the Republic of Congo, where we have a significant import and export of products originated from our production facilities.
IBD started in West Africa in Nigeria with the export of raw cashew nuts to Europe in 1995.we broadened ventures into Co´te d’Ivoire in 1999 as well as consequently to Burkina Faso, and also Senegal. IBD is today in 12 nations in West Africa with sourcing, processing and also marketing operations covering a wide range of agriculture products.