While examining key economic sectors including energy, transport, food, and integrated approaches such as re-use of waste management; our sustainability program provides inspiring information about action and progress in promoting (SPP). It highlights best practices and offers recommendations to scale up and replicate these important efforts around the world.
One thing in common for all of these challenges is the need for a concerted, cooperative effort to overcome them. We believe that supply chain is truly global. Resource extraction, the production of intermediate inputs, distribution, marketing, waste disposal and re-use of most products take place across and linking the world’s national economies. The consumption patterns in one country can have negative impacts on the biophysical and social environment in neighboring or even distant ones.
We support Sustainable supply chain initiative in the agro-food sector to help our farmers and suppliers produce more sustainably. Together with an environmental consultancy, we have developed a carbon footprint model for our producers. The model provides our farmers with individual advice on how to improve their footprint.Some of the reductions in energy and emissions have come from simple measures, such as harvesting rainwater for re-use.